If you found our website because you used the search terms “buy weed near me”, “best dispensary in Bremerton”, “where to buy marijuana”, or anything like that, you’ve found the right place.
Destination HWY 420 is located in East Bremerton, next to Los Cabos and the Cloverleaf Bar and Grill, near the corner of Wheaton Way (Hwy 303) and Hollis Street. Click here to see our hours and contact information.
From the Bremerton Ferry Terminal:
Start out going northwest on 1st St/WA-304 toward Washington Ave. Continue to follow WA-304. Turn right onto Warren Ave. Warren Ave becomes Wheaton Way/WA-303. Turn right onto Hollis St. and your “Destination” will be on the right.
From Silverdale:
Start out going northeast on Silverdale Way toward Poplars Ave. Turn right onto Ridgetop Blvd. Merge onto WA-303 S. Turn left onto Hollis St. and your “Destination” will be on the right.