This Sunday, The 420 Annex will be hosting and sponsoring a luau style event to celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Destination HWY 420. This is an event you don’t want to miss! Free prizes and giveaways, live music, Hula Dancers, and more! See details below:
Stop by Destination HWY 420 before, during, or after the event to get some of the finest cannabis products you can find in Kitsap County.
Every day this week we will have special discounted items such as Pineapple and Mango Kush, Goji OG, Strawberry Banana, Maui Waui, and more.
#Luau, #Marijuana, #Cannabis, #Indica, #Sativa, #I502, #DestinationHWY420, #420Annex, #BCole, #Tragicclam, #foodtrucks, #Hawaiian, #MauiWaui, #GojiOG, #Tropical, #EastBremerton, #Kitsapcountypotshop, #Bremertonweed, #Bremertoncannabisevent